USE THE BRAIN. FIX THE BODY.Z-Health® is an innovative brain-based fitness system that reshapes the way you move by improving the neuroplastic connection between the brain and body.
DRILLS BASED ON NEUROSCIENCEThrough proprietary, scientifically engineered exercises, you can become stronger, faster, and free from long-standing pain.
Adapted from
"By using the nervous system to rapidly 'de-bug' your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast performance improvements and pain relief."
Founder + Creator of Z-Health®
Z-Health® is a training system, that—instead of focusing on muscles—targets what's really holding you back.
Your brain.
You get hurt. You hit a wall. And your injuries change the way you move. Other parts of your body end up picking up the slack. It doesn't take long for the pain to spread.
But the problem isn't just in your joints and muscles. Injuries create a sort of traffic jam between your brain and your body. Both are trying to send each other signals, but they can't get through. Even after those injuries heal, the road blocks linger—and the pain doesn't go away. And, pretty soon, you just accept there are things you can't do anymore. |
However, in a few minutes a day, Z-Health® exercises can repair the network of roads between your body and your brain. So you can start moving with pain-free confidence and enjoying life more.
Adapted from
private coaching
Z-Health provides a paradigm shift for us as a movement teachers. Sessions investigate what works best for your nervous system. We create a customized set of inputs that quickly shift outcomes—toward better movement, improved performance, quality of sleep, and reduced pain.
Intake Session: 90-minutes/Follow-Up Sessions: 60-minutes
5-Session Package — $460
10-Session Package — $900
5-Session Package — $460
10-Session Package — $900
Please inquire for semi-private or group sessions.
Contact Jeff & Ren at [email protected]
©2025 Centerline Movement. All rights reserved.
Site by Wellness Web Designers.
GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, TRX®, Z-Health®, Nutritious Movement®, Restorative Exercise® and respective logos are registered trademarks and are used with permission.
Site by Wellness Web Designers.
GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, TRX®, Z-Health®, Nutritious Movement®, Restorative Exercise® and respective logos are registered trademarks and are used with permission.